Afkar Sukmawan Ahmad

Afkar Sukmawan Ahmad

About Me

Hi! My name is Afkar Sukmawan Ahmad, and I love coding! I'm from Indonesia. My passion in coding starts on a website called KhanAcademy. I even made a blog And a game in that website.

The process of making a game fills me with so much joy. Right now, I'm on the path to become a Game Developer. Other than that, I'm also learning Web Development at my school

My Projects

Pokemon Fly

Pokemon Fly

This is the first ever game i made in a website called KhanAcedemy using ProcessingJS.
It's a dodge game using Pokemon as the characters



I made a blog about how i started coding and about the game i made.
It's... colorful! Yeah, definitely won't hurt your eyes

Game Center

Game Center

My website for any games that I made using JavaScript

My Characters





Contact Me